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OCR: VRML 2.0 Sourcebook Home About the VRM Sourcebook CD-ROM Wel lcome to the VRMI 2.0 Sourcebook CD. ROM! This CD. ROM contains the full VRML text for all examples from the VRMI Source book, plus 400 MBytes of software VRML objects, texture images, and sounds This wealth of F informa tion for VRML world builders organized into three groups of F Web pages. Online Book Examples VRML text for all 200+ book examples, including texture images. sounds and program scripts Software Objects, Images. and Sounds Product freeware shareware try outs and demos from over 20 vendors including VRML browsers, authoring applications fle format converters. and libraries of VRML obiects texture images, and sounds Additional Documentation Notes, tips, and tricks for using the examples and software on this CD ROM u ...